Student Recitals


Our MTAC Santa Clara Branch offers a recital opportunity for students to develop experience in public performance. Glenda Riddle and Amelia Han Riegert will serve as co-coordinators and co-hosts for these student recitals. In the event that neither of us is available on a recital Sunday, we may need to call on our teachers to cover hosting duties for us. If anyone is interested and willing to help host a recital, please email us at [email protected].

Who Can Participate

Only students (elementary through high school) of MTAC Santa Clara Branch member teachers are eligible to participate in our Branch sponsored Student Recitals. Recitals are for all instruments, including voice. Small ensembles are also welcome if the set up and performance time fits into our program time frame. Participants will be awarded a Certificate of Participation at the close of the recital session.

Recital Schedule

Student recitals will be held at 8VA Hall, 18590 Almaden Rd, San Jose, CA 95120.

October 13, 20242:00 & 3:30 p.m.Click here to register
November 10, 20242:00 & 3:30 p.m.Click here to register
December 8, 20242:00 & 3:30 p.m.Click here to register
January 12, 20252:00 & 3:30 p.m.Click here to register
February 9, 20252:00 & 3:30 p.m.Click here to register
March 9, 20252:00 & 3:30 p.m.Click here to register
April 13, 20252:00 & 3:30 p.m.Click here to register
May 11, 20252:00 & 3:30 p.m.Click here to register

Recital Times

There will be two sessions each recital date. Each session will be about 45 minutes in performance time. The recital times are as follows:  Session 1 – 2 PM  |  Session 2 – 3:30 PM

Please have students arrive 15 minutes before their scheduled session time. There will be time at the end of each session for participants to receive awards and take photos.

Registering Students to Play

Registration opens one month before each recital, or immediately AFTER the previous month’s recital is over.

If you would like to register some of your students to play on this recital:

  • You must be a member of MTAC Santa Clara to enroll students in the recital.
  • Teachers may submit registrations for up to four students. More registrations may be considered if there is room on the recital program. Registration fee is $28/student (for the first 4 students); additional students, if time allows, is $38/student.
  • Parents and students may not register themselves – this must be done by a member of MTAC Santa Clara
  • Performance time limit guidelines are as follows:  
    • Elementary level – 3 minutes
    • Intermediate level – 5 minutes
    • Advanced level – 7 minutes

Dress Code and Recital Guidelines

  • Female performers should wear knee-length skirts or dresses, or dressy slacks with blouses. (No exposed midriff.)
  • Male performers should wear dress slacks and dress shirt. Ties and jackets are optional.
  • Dress shoes are required for all performers. Please, no athletic shoes or back-less sandals.
  • Students should arrive 15 minutes early. All recitals will start on time.
  • Violin students should tune their violins before recital.
  • No program changes will be made once programs are on the website.